Kamis, Agustus 20, 2009

economy task


by :
  • ZAIN
1.Students buy food in canteen : Economy : Because they use money to buy some food or drinks
2.A security guard :Economy : Because they earn money from their job
3.Teacher :Economy : Because they earn money by teaching
4.Students buy atribute at BTE class : Economy : Because they use money to buy it
5.Cleaning service : Economy : Because they get money to fulfill their daily needs
6.Parents pay for the school payment : Economy : Because they have to pay for their kids to stay studying in taruna bakti
7.The students sell some things for school task : Economy: Because they earn money from their work
8.The food seller cooks food for selling : Economy : Because he needs money to fulfill his needs
9.Students use a public telephone : Economy : Because they use a card that is filled money so that they can call easily
10.Students buy some books and uniform to go to school : Economy : Because they pay with money
1.A sick student : Non Economy : Because we don't have to pay for going to UKS
2.Disscussion : Non Economy : Because we don't have to use money to disscuss a problem or task
3.Students or teachers go to the toilet : Non Economy : Because it doesn't have a connectoin with economy activity
4.Moving class : Non Economy : Because we don't have to use money to move to another class
5.Watch knowledgeable films : Non Economy : Because we don't have to pay for watching the movies



Senin, Agustus 17, 2009

Economic Task


  • Hasna
  • Thalia
  • Haura
  • Agni
  • Andy

Economic Activities

Students Parents eating in the cafeteria. Economic, because they're using their money for food (their needs)

A man who sells food. Economic, because he gets money for his needs from selling food for others.

A security who guards the school. Economic, because he gets money for his daily needs from his job.

Tacher that teach. Economic, because the teacher works to get money for their own needs.

Office boy who's cleaning the trash can. Economic, because he's working to get some money for his food and his other daily needs.

A teacher that checks her students homeworks in the teachers room. Economic, because she's working to get some money.

Students who sells stuffs to others. Economic, because they're trying to get their money by their selfs for their own needs.

Non-Economic Activities

Students that are learning. Not economic because they don't work or do something to get money for their needs.

A driver that sits arround and chat. Not economic because he is waisting his time to work by sitting arround and chatt with other people.

Students that goes to the toilet for playing with their cellphones. Not economic, because they don't do something for getting money and they are suppose to be learning not playing with their cellphones.

A student going to the toilet. Not economic because it's not related to money.

A girl that walks arround the halway. Not economic because she don't make money with walking arround.

Thank You!

Sorry For The Mistakes!

Economy and Non Economy Activity

Economy and Non Economy Activity in School

Group :

  • Aditya S.
  • Puti
  • Ismail
  • Nasrul
  • Rizqi


1.Student parent’s buy a food or drink in canteen – Economy , because they make sale and purchase transactions with merchants. their got profit , namely is food or drink .

2.Student buy a pin in BTE room – Economy , because the students benefit the pin (one of the school uniforms that must be used) and the schools get money from the sale of these pins

3.Cleaning service cleaning the school –Economy , because the school clean and cleaning service get the money .

4.Students study in class – Economy , because if students study in class , student get knowledges from teacher .

5.Teachers teach in class – Economy , because teachers give knowledges to students and student get the money .

6.The security guard school – Economy , because the school to be safe and the security get the money.

7.Students do the exercise from teachers – Economy , because the students get more knowledges from the exercise provided by teachers .

8. Students do the presentations – Economy , because the other students get more knowledges .

9. Food vendors selling the food or drink – Economy , because the food vendors get the money from the sale and buyers get the food or drink .

10. Admin's school manage school payment – Economy , because the admin's school to manage school finances , parents pay tuition to the admin's school and the student can follow the learning process in schools

Not Economy

11. Teacher checking student’s homework – Not Economy , because teacher's just checking student's homework and there is no economic activity in that activity

12. Food vendors make food – Not Economy , because there is no economic activity in this activity

13.Chat with friends – Not Economy , because chat don’t give the benefit . Only speak with other .

14.Students or Teachers go to the toilet – Not Economy , because teachers and students go to the toilet only to expel stool or urine. even ,only go to the toilet to look in the mirror .

15.Wacth film – Not Economy , because this activity only watch . Does not provide benefits . Maybe provide little benefit .

16.Moving Class – Not Economy , because moving class just move from this class to the other class .

17. The driver wait students study – Not Economy , because students get benefits namely the knowledges . But , the driver doesn’t get the benefits . The driver just wait .

18. The student borrow stationery from other student – Not Economy , because just borrow .



An Economic and Non-Economic Activity in School

  • Handi Aulia Nurrahman
  • Nabila Rizka Ramadhani
  • Ariel Nurannisa Mulyanegara
  • Muhammad Ismail Muchfi
  • Genevieve Annisha Ningrat Zailani

1. A man cook some food for sell
Economic, because someone will spend some money to buy the food
2. A woman buy some food
Economic, because the woman spend some money to pay the food
3. Office boy is cleaning the trash can
Economic, because he will get some money because doing his job
4. Mr.Imam is teaching economy
Economic, because it's related to economy
5. The 9th graders are making stans
Economic, because they will earn money from the thing that was sold
6. The student buy some books at Koperasi
Economic, because the student spend some money for that
7. Because of the cleverness, the student gets scholarship
Economic, because the student don't have to pay again for the next grade
8. School buy some equipment
Economic, because school will sell the equipment to students
9. A student sell some accesories
Economic, because the student will get money if someone buy the accesories
10. A student borrow 5 thousand rupiah from his friends
Economic, because it's related to money

1. A girl sleep in the UKS because sick
Non-Economic, because it's not related to anything that economy
2. A student wash his hand
3. The students are study
4. Mrs.Riska is having a chat with another teacher
5. A student going to the toilet

sorry if there any mistake on typing

Senin, Agustus 10, 2009

Economic Task

Economic Task: Economic Activity

Group : Avinindita Nura Lestari, Dicka Muhammad Ramadhan, Muhammad Ridwan Abdurrahman, Pradantya Hanifa Yudiarini, Siti Aisyah Affiati .

Economic and Non-economic

1.Teacher deliver the document - economic - they carry out the work to earn money and meet the needs of life.

2. Employees deliver the document to the teacher - economic - because he does the work.

3. Teachers walk around the field - not economic - they spend the time and not profitable.

4. Student learning - economic - they took it to a useful and used as efficiently as possible because there is a limit of hours.

5. Teachers teaching– economic- because they do they work as a teacher and earning money.

6. Teachers tidy clothes-not economic-only utilize the time to give a priority to their look.

7. Gossip-not economic- because waste of time for gossip but does not benefit at all because it only makes sin.

8. Parlormaid daydream –not economic- because it does not useful and they can do other useful work. In addition, the terms of the spiritual, can be disturb by Satan because because of their mind.

9. The driver buy food - economic - because they do the transaction sale and purchase transaction and influence their money for buy some food.

10. Sellers deal with buyers - economic – they get benefit from the customers.

11. The sellers tidy up the merchandise-economic-order merchandise to more rapid an interesting the visitors who wish to purchase.

12. Students to the toilet -not economic -because it does not occur associated with money. However, give an advantages for the person who concerned.

13. Students meet their teacher-not economic -because they do not occur associated with money. But, concerned with the norms of decency to respect those who are older.

14. Discussion-not economic-directly not related to the money. However, using the time for something useful.

15. Consultation-not economic- because it does not occur associated with money. However, the people who concerned feel fortunate to exchange information.

16. Chatting -not economic – because they just only speak, and do not involve the sale and purchase transactions. However, depending on the topic.

17.Open door –not economic- because it is not involved with the sale and purchase transactions involving money.

18. Ascend the stairs -not economic -directly do not involve money. However, the benefits, can burn calories

19. Call –economic -because it use tariffs to implement the task. However, when the topic for gossip at the phone is not useful, wasted the time and money.

20. To put in order documents and writing –economic –because they do the tasks and implement profitable.

21. Clean the class –economic -because the duties and conduct of the class is also beneficial because a clean and comfortable to learn.

22. Security eat -economic -because food is also bought up the weary toil has its own means economic activities have occurred before, after meals, energy will be filled back in so profitable for continue the activity.

23. Students narcissism –not economic -only for show off their physical-handsome or physical-beauty that does not have high quality.

24. To park motorcycle –economic –using space for their vehicle. In order to keep the motorcycle safe.

25. Throw rubbish –economic -using the time to maintain the environment so that the seeds of disease will not grow , if the rubbish scattered, so, the seeds of disease can grow and lead to losses for the residents around that do not require less treatment costs.

26.A sick person –not economic –But, directly need money to take medicine in order to recover.


first post

sorry , still blank . ahaha . we will make over this blog . hope your support !